Special Deal
5x2 Stunden Privat Pauschale
C1 TM SS K3 a K3 b K3 c K2 a K2 b K2 c K1 b K1 c FR E3 a E3 b E3 c E2 a E2 b E2 c E1 b E1 c AL BO CL DI K1 a E1 a
Monday 17.02.2025-21.02.2025
This course is during this time (14:00-16:00) with this level NOT AVAILABLE ANYMORE! Please choose a course on a different time or contact us +41 81 384 64 69.
Individually tailored private lessons
You want to learn to ski or improve your carving technique, bring your skiing style up to date or ski in powder in perfect conditions?
This offer is valid from 12 clock. For other course times, please contact the bookings team.
Your tutor will tailor your lesson to your individual requirements.
In order to reach your learning objectives fast, we are offering you a special deal of 5x2 hours of private tuition for sfr 180.-. These lessons are available from 12 noon. These lessons are for individuals or pairs - providing you are both at the same level.
Monday 17.02. - Friday 21.02.
Privat 5 x 2 Std ab 12 Uhr 1 Pers
For a course entry after course start please call.
Inside this course, no other selection is possible.
Select course level
Determine course level
- Carving 1
- You have mastered parallel turns and the rough shape of the short-swing.
- Telemark
- Slopestyle
- You would like to learn how to freestyle. In this course we will show you your first tricks on the slopes and small jumps.
- Children 3 a
- You have mastered the rough shape of the short-swing, parallel turns on blue and red runs and a few jumps.
- Children 3 b
- You have mastered the short turn, Carve swings on blue and red runs and can safely carve on red runs.
- Children 3 c
- you are confidently carve in steep terrain, have mastered safe and controlled piste jumps and Fakie rides and have had a first introduction to 180 ° turns.
- Children 2 a
- You can change direction and can parallel ski.
- Children 2 b
- You are competent in executing parallel turns with unloading / loading and can carve.
- Children 2 c
- You can probably carve already(strong on the edges), have mastered parallel turns and the rough shape of the short-swing, and a few jumps. Blue and red runs
- Children 1 b
- You can slow down, get up on skis, ride curves and have some experience of the T-bar lift.
- Children 1 c
- You can control the curves on both sides, can ride safely on the bracket lift and ski half parallel.
- Freeride
- For children and adults with advanced skiing levels that have mastered each run in the safe piste area.
- Adults 3 a
- You have mastered the rough shape of the short-swing, parallel turns on blue and red runs and a few jumps.
- Adults 3 b
- You have mastered the short turn, Carve swings on blue and red runs and can safely carving on red runs.
- Adults 3 c
- You can safely carve in steep terrain, safe and controlled piste jumps as well as secure Fakie rides and have had a first introduction to 180 ° rotations.
- Adults 2 a
- You have mastered changing direction and can semi parallel ski.
- Adults 2 b
- You have mastered parallel turns with unloading / loading and can already carve easily.
- Adults 2 c
- You can carve and have already mastered parallel turns and the rough shape of the short swing and can do a few jumps.
- Adults 1 b
- You can slow down, ascend with skis and have some experience on children's and T-bar lifts.
- Adults 1 c
- You can control curves on both sides, can already ski half parallel and can ride safely on the T-bar lift.
- Aladin
- Children from 2.5 to 3 years without skiing skills.
- Bonzai
- Children from 3 to 5 years without skiing experience
- Clown
- For children up to 5 years who can already complete a slow ascend on skis and have had their first ski lift experience.
- Dino
- For children up to 5 years who can already ski curves and ride safely on children's lift, but who have not ridden the bracket lift.
- Children 1 a
- For children 6 years without skiing skills
- Adults 1 a
- Adults without ski experience
CHF 750.00
Valid 1 time per person
Online buchbar bis: Sun, 16.02.2025 17:00:00.
Für eine Buchung bitte telefonisch melden +41 81 384 64 69.
5/529. Dec. 2023
Tip top! Danke schön!
5/501. Mar. 2023
Gabi war wieder die Beste. Leonard wäre sehr gerne noch eine weitere Woche geblieben. Gabi hat sich perfekt um Leonard gekümmert. Vielen Dank!!!
4.8/501. Mar. 2023
Hat alles prima geklappt - super, vielen Dank. Hana hat alles sehr gut gemacht, Josephina ist nicht immer leicht zu motivieren Neues zu lernen. Josephina hatte viel Spass.
4.8/528. Jan. 2022
Ich habe den Kurs sehr genossen. Pamela war für mich genau richtig. Ich fahre viel sicherer und habe viel gelernt. Toller Lehrer, toller Typ.